Showing 11 - 20 of 27
Long-only-Indexfonds stehen seit geraumer Zeit unter Verdacht, für die Preisanstiege an landwirtschaftlichen Warenterminmärkten verantwortlich zu sein. Hieraus wird die Forderung abgleitet, den Aktivitätsradius dieser Indexfonds drastisch einzuschränken. Allerdings stehen solche Forderungen...
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For quite some time long-only index funds have been suspected of being responsible for price increases in agricultural futures markets. This suspicion has prompted demands to drastically limit long-only index funds' scope of activity. Such demands and their underlying diagnoses, however,...
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An agreement between Norway and the European Commission specifies an increase in the export tax on Norwegian salmon entering EU markets from 0.75% to 3.00% effective 1 July 1997. Further, Norway's exports are subject to a price floor and quantity ceiling, neither of which were binding over the...
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In vielen Teilen der Welt, in Entwicklungs- wie Industrieländern, wird landwirtschaftliche und ländliche Entwicklung durch zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen (ZGO) unterstützt. In Deutschland ist ihre Aktivität mittlerweile so hoch, dass ihnen seitens Wissenschaft und Politik gestiegener...
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As in many other transition countries processing and marketing margins are also larger in the Slovenian meat market than respective margins in market economies. In addition, margin of the Slovenian pork chain is greater than in the beef chain. Its decline in the pork market indicates an...
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The objective of this paper is to empirically detect credit rationing of Polish farms. Based on cross-sectional survey data and motivated by a microeconomic farm household model, this effort is pursued by a methodology consisting of three interrelated steps. These steps include the analysis of...
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In der derzeitigen Diskussion um die Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) spielt das Argument der positiven Beschäftigungswirkungen eine zentrale Rolle. Wir untersuchen seine Stichhaltigkeit mithilfe einer Ex-Post-Evaluierung der Zahlungen in 69 Landkreisen Brandenburgs, Sachsens und...
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Der demographische Wandel ist seit über 40 Jahren gesamteuropäische Realität. Relativ geringe Geburtenzahlen und eine immer weiter steigende Lebenserwartung verändern die Altersgliederung der Bevölkerung nachhaltig. In Ostdeutschland wird dieser Prozess spätestens seit der...
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Kazakhstan is now widely regarded as a key player on world agricultural markets, with considerable export potential in the wheat, beef and dairy sectors. Based on unique farm-level data, we offer new insights into the constraints that hamper further economic growth and provide an assessment of...
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Because of its enormous land and yield potentials, the breadbasket of the East, i.e. Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are increasingly important for world grain markets. However, counterproductive market and trade policies, continual farm-level productivity gaps and deficits in marketing...
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