Showing 1 - 10 of 18
This paper focuses on the notion of localised agricultural and agro-food system as unit of analysis (LAFS). LAFSs appear to be as quite resilient and dynamic systems. As we will see, the analysis of exports in the last years can provide enough evidence of their strong resilience and capability...
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A globális agrárpiacok számos változáson mentek keresztül az utóbbi évtizedekben. Napjaink legfontosabb tendenciái a növekvő globális agrártermelés, a növekvő jövedelem és fogyasztás és a bővülő nemzetközi agrárkereskedelem, amelyek mögött azonban jelentős regionális...
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A nemnövekedés (degrowth) a fejlett országok számára ajánlott új gazdasági paradigma, amely hosszú távon bolygónk ökológiai fenntarthatóságát és az igazságosabb társadalmak kialakítását eredményezheti. A fogalom karrierje Latouche francia közgazdász 2006-os könyvével...
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A vidékfejlesztési politika célja az, hogy kihasználva az ország kedvező ter-mészeti adottságait, a belföldi és nemzetközi piacokon versenyképes mezőgazda-ság jöjjön létre, amely képes jó minőségű alapanyagokkal ellátni a feldolgozó-ipart, tisztességes és...
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The latest reform of the CAP, CAP towards 2020, opens up the possibility to arrange agri-environmental service provision via contracting groups of farmers, rather than contracting individual farmers. The Dutch government decided to fully switch to a farmer group service provision system in 2016....
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Many rural areas in (East) Germany are characterised by declining birth rates and selective migration. Similarly, the rural economy is stagnating or even shrinking. Many communes are no more in a position to guarantee legally stipulated provisions of basic public services. In many rural areas...
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Employing correlation analysis, we investigate whether rural development in the EU countries is associated with their institutional quality represented by “good” governance indicators of the World Bank (voice and accountability, political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory...
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The EU Rural Development Policy framework is a result of complex interactions at different levels - European, national, regional and local. Ideally, the decision making process about its implementation should be shared by these different levels of governance. However, the implementation...
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This paper summarizes information on the importance of the objectives of agriculture and agricultural policies based on previous studies. We focus on studies that examine stakeholder preferences and provide relative weights for the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability....
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The latest reform of the CAP, CAP towards 2020, opens up the possibility to arrange agri-environmental service provision via contracting groups of farmers, rather than contracting individual farmers. The Dutch government decided to fully switch to a farmer group service provision system in 2016....
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