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In the framework of the new round of trade liberalization launched in Doha, paragraph 13 of the Development Declaration states that members will support special and differential treatment to accommodate development, including food security. This article simulates scenarios of multilateral tariff...
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This document is the technical annex to the full paper “The Doha Round and Food Security in the Dairy Sector in Cameroon: A Global Simulation Model (GSIM) Approach†which is available separately.
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The provision for the inclusion of socio-economic considerations in domestic regulatory frameworks pertaining to living modified organisms has been established by Article 26 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Many countries are considering, or have...
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This article provides a general overview of the evolution of the European Union trade preferences with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries, giving due attention to the reform of the Sugar Protocol (SP) in light of the anticipated Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). The EU...
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The extent to which food safety standards negatively affect the ability of firms in developing countries to export to the markets of developed countries depends on their approach to compliance. A case study of Guyana’s fish export industry tests this hypothesis. The analysis generally...
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This article uses a partial equilibrium approach to measure the impact of trade liberalisation on the demand elasticity of labour in the apparel industry in Mauritius, a sector where, in general, those in the work force are poor. The findings reveal that there is no evidence that trade...
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A globális agrárpiacok számos változáson mentek keresztül az utóbbi évtizedekben. Napjaink legfontosabb tendenciái a növekvő globális agrártermelés, a növekvő jövedelem és fogyasztás és a bővülő nemzetközi agrárkereskedelem, amelyek mögött azonban jelentős regionális...
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A nemnövekedés (degrowth) a fejlett országok számára ajánlott új gazdasági paradigma, amely hosszú távon bolygónk ökológiai fenntarthatóságát és az igazságosabb társadalmak kialakítását eredményezheti. A fogalom karrierje Latouche francia közgazdász 2006-os könyvével...
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A vidékfejlesztési politika célja az, hogy kihasználva az ország kedvező ter-mészeti adottságait, a belföldi és nemzetközi piacokon versenyképes mezőgazda-ság jöjjön létre, amely képes jó minőségű alapanyagokkal ellátni a feldolgozó-ipart, tisztességes és...
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The elimination of the single-desk monopsony/monopoly granted to the Canadian Wheat Board for western Canadian milling wheat acquisitions and sales will have ramifications for Canadian-U.S. trade relations. This article speculates on the volume of future north/south wheat trade flows. Given this...
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