Showing 1 - 10 of 23
ABSTRACT Social capital is defined as the shared knowledge, trust, and culture, embodied in the structural forms of networks and other stable inter-agent relationships. Social capital has been shown to be more difficult to build than economic capital, and to have greater beneficial effects for...
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This paper investigates comparative trade advantages in agro-food trade. We analyze comparative advantages of Hungarian, Croatian and Slovenian agro-food trade in the European Union (EU) markets. Both the levels and pattern of the revealed comparative advantage measure are investigated. The...
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Den Schwerpunkt dieses Discussion Papers bildet eine Effizienzanalyse landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen Sachsen-Anhalts und Tschechiens. Mittels der Data Envelopment Analysis, einer nicht-parametrischen, auf linearer Programmierung basierenden Methode der Effizienzmessung, wurden die technischen,...
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Oсновным мотивом для написания данных "Дискуссионных материалов" является ознакомление читателя с организациeй и работой информационно-консультационной службы...
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The research focus of the paper is to distinguish allocative and technical inefficiencies on Moscow region corporate farms. DEA specifications with both monetary and technical objective functions are applied. Reduced costs and sensitivity analyses are used to identify fixed inputs constraining...
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The food industry is one of the most important sectors in the Latvian economy. However, due to its close links to agriculture, the structural crisis in the processing sector is the main obstacle to increasing output, productivity and profitability in the entire agricultural sector. Based on the...
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In August 1998 the Russian foreign exchange market and financial system collapsed. As a consequence the rouble devaluated in real terms against the currencies of the main trade partners, generating an output push in the agri-food sector. This improved the financial health of most producer, thus...
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"Дискуссионные материалы" анализируют техническую эффективность и эффективность в зависимости от масштаба российских аграрных предприятий в...
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"Дискуссионные материалы" анализируют изменение эффективности и общей продуктивности факторов (англ. total factor productivity, TFP) крупных сельскохозяйственных...
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Анализ оболочки данных (DEA) – это относительно новая методика измерения технической эффективности. Если сформулировать техническую эффективность...
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