Showing 1 - 10 of 13
The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of farm-level data collected in a survey of 464 Polish farms in 2000. Performance indicators of farms in three Polish voivodships are compared with farm accountancy data from two German Länder. The results show that Polish farms were much less...
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The aim of this paper is to present an analysis of farm-level data collected in a survey of 464 Polish farms in 2000. Performance indicators of farms in three Polish voivodships are compared with farm accountancy data from two German Länder. The results show that Polish farms were much less...
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Our purpose here is to challenge the big-bang approach to economic history in which some alleged institutional imposition - a deus machine - is claimed to launch a series of new economic behaviors. This so-called prime mover is then carried forward by the inexorable forces of path dependency to...
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Up to the end of World War II, the political-economic framework had been relatively similar all over Germany. However, the farm structure was different. While in both parts, the West and the East, about 90 per cent of all farms cultivated less than 20 ha and about one per cent more than 100 ha,...
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Den Schwerpunkt dieses Discussion Papers bildet eine Effizienzanalyse landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen Sachsen-Anhalts und Tschechiens. Mittels der Data Envelopment Analysis, einer nicht-parametrischen, auf linearer Programmierung basierenden Methode der Effizienzmessung, wurden die technischen,...
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Oсновным мотивом для написания данных "Дискуссионных материалов" является ознакомление читателя с организациeй и работой информационно-консультационной службы...
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The research focus of the paper is to distinguish allocative and technical inefficiencies on Moscow region corporate farms. DEA specifications with both monetary and technical objective functions are applied. Reduced costs and sensitivity analyses are used to identify fixed inputs constraining...
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"Дискуссионные материалы" анализируют техническую эффективность и эффективность в зависимости от масштаба российских аграрных предприятий в...
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"Дискуссионные материалы" анализируют изменение эффективности и общей продуктивности факторов (англ. total factor productivity, TFP) крупных сельскохозяйственных...
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Анализ оболочки данных (DEA) – это относительно новая методика измерения технической эффективности. Если сформулировать техническую эффективность...
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