Showing 1 - 10 of 148
Die Region südlich der Sahara steht wie keine andere im Zentrum der internationalenentwicklungspolitischen Aufmerksamkeit, so dass Afrika in jüngerer Zeit garals ‚hopeless continent’ bezeichnet wird (ECONOMIST, MAI 2000). Dies ist Ausdruckeines wachsenden Entwicklungspessimismus, der sich...
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This paper concentrates on the discussion of potential improvements ofbusiness processes by shared use of the information portals.
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This paper deals with the conception of a high quality Internet-based support system, which supplies actors in dynamic supply networks and chains with individualized information about their competitive and market environment. editors EconBiz]
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According to the increasing importance of information enterprises of the agri-food sector require an infrastructure of information provision adapted to their needs.
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This paper introduces a detailed analysis of different quality systems with regard to their information and communication structure.
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[...]Jeder Handelsbetrieb muss sich gegenüber seinen Mitbewerbern und Abnehmern abgrenzenund positionieren. Dies gilt in besonderer Weise für die Unternehmen desViehhandels, der durch das Nebeneinander von privatem und genossenschaftlichemViehhandel geprägt ist. Die Positionierung von VVO im...
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Die Agrar- und Ernährungsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) hat jüngst die Öffentlichkeit alarmiert, weil die Reduzierung des auf dem Welternährungsgipfel 1996 formu-lierten ambitiösen Ziels, die Anzahl der mangelernährten Menschen auf der Welt zu halbieren, in sehr weite Ferne...
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Various simulation models uniformly project a decline of the cereal and silage maize area as well as ruminant production in the EU-15 in the course of decoupling of direct payments. In contrast, model results are heterogeneous with respect to the direction of the decoupling effect on oilseed and...
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Cooperative approaches provide an alternative for small- and medium-sized producers to obtainthe efficiencies of larger farming operations and remain competitive in an increasinglyconcentrated agricultural industry. This article examines the motivation and effectiveness ofequipment and labor...
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This paper provides an updated assessment of the changing demand for farm labor, including its components and relative use, as reflected in the capital-labor ratios for California and Florida, which are major coastal producers of fresh fruits and vegetables, and of Iowa and Texas, which are two...
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