

This is the web-page of EconBiz.

Here, you find important infos in plain language.

We want you to be able to read and understand the text.

This is why the letters are huge.

We explain difficult words.


EconBiz is a service provides by ZBW.

ZBW is a library.


On the EconBiz web-pages you only find publications on one topic.

The topic is economics.

Publications are books or journals for example.

You can find books in shelves or electronic versions on the internet. On the EconBiz web-pages.

You can find 11 million publications in EconBiz.

This is a lot.

You can use EconBiz to find publications.

You can also find conferences in EconBiz.

Conferences are big meetings of researchers.

Researchers find out new things.

Doing research means finding out things.

Doing research also means solving problems.

EconBiz is for researchers in Economics and Business Studies.

EconBiz is also for students.

Students learn how you do research. They finished school and want to learn more.

Do you need help?

Maybe you need help when

  • You have questions.
  • When you search for something.
  • When you want to lend books.
  • When you want to return books.

We help you.

You can always ask us.

This is how you reach us:

In Kiel:

Telephone: 49-431 8814-555


In Hamburg:

Telephone: 49-40 42834-219




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